Daily Dose

Around the globe, about 1 in 4 adults says they're lonely. And the consequences of long-term social disconnection can be
Many of us will be observing a variety of holidays in the coming month. This often means gatherings and, even
Ruchira Roy Chowdhury is a former business journalist turned health and wellness writer, meditation teacher, Ayurveda practitioner, and Art of
The below is an excerpt from NPR's wellness blog. Read the full piece at https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/11/06/1210507968/thai-chi-word-games-cognition-mentally-sharp-meditation-motion There's plenty of evidence that
Cooper recently relaunched one of it’s physical activity initiatives, now known as the Cooper Climbers Club (formerly the Zenith Climb
Many people fear a long life span, e.g.  living to be 100, due to possible loneliness, poor health, and solitudeI.
Life Kit is a podcast produced by NPR. They believe everyone needs a little help being a human. From sleep
Racing thoughts at bedtime can be a real sleep disruptor, leading to intermittent wakefulness throughout the night but luckily there
Bots and corporations excluded, there are 4.9 billion social media users globally, meaning 60.49% of the global population use social
Coffee is everywhere at Cooper and society at large. In Starbucks, break rooms, public spaces, the delicious drink has been