So You Want to Live to Be 100…

Many people fear a long life span, e.g.  living to be 100, due to possible loneliness, poor health, and solitudeI. Peter Attia, physician and best-selling author, acknowledges that many of those fears are valid and so he believes in maximizing what he calls “health span” instead. Attia’s focus is on addressing “the Four Horsemen of Chronic Disease” — cardiovascular disease, cancer, cognitive diseases (such as Alzheimer’s) and metabolic diseases (such as Type 2 diabetes). Below are some guidelines he provides for achieving this, and you can read the full article at

First, Be Specific: the greater the specificity with which you train for your physical goals, the more likely you are to achieve them. Attia asks patients to think specifically about what they want to be able to do when they are in their 80s or older, and to start training for that when they are in their 40s or 50s or 60s, setting milestones along the way. For example, if you want to lift your great-grandchild when you’re 80, you need to, in your 50s, 60s, and 70s, focus on hip flexibility and abdominal and spinal stability that will sustain you to be able to pick up at 30 pound weight at that age. 

Second, Focus on Moving: Attia says “If you’re starting from zero, just getting to 90 minutes a week of exercise will result in a 15 percent reduction in all-cause mortality [including the Four Horsemen]. That’s dramatic. I mean, we don’t have drugs that can reduce 15 percent all-cause mortality across the board. And the good news is it’s not just like this abstract thing of “we’re adding a couple of years to your life.” No, no. You’re going to feel better in three months.”