Daily Dose

The precautions we have taken to slow the spread of SARS-CoV-2 have disrupted our sense of normalcy and knocked us
Boredom is among the most frequent things people describe struggling with these days. With routines disrupted and many outlets still
Today we offer a reminder on the importance of being there for others. These theme was recently presented on "The
Every Monday, the Daily Dose is dedicated to starting your week right with a brief guided mindfulness exercise. This week’s
Right now, it seems everywhere you turn there is another challenge to face. In the midst of this, we may
Some days the difficulties seem many and insurmountable. Some days you may feel that you are lacking in perseverance, or
Some days it may seem difficult to imagine a time when the work of fighting this pandemic will be done.
Cambridge-based therapist and spiritual director at Harvard University Katherine Stiles offers the following meditation on Pablo Neruda’s well-loved poem “Keeping
We all have a sense of what we need to get through this, and many of us have been reminded
We all wish that we were already at the end of this pandemic. At a time where a vaccine has