Daily Dose

We are now many months into the Mindfulness Monday series, and have experienced a variety of mindfulness exercises. But as
This is an excerpt from the article “Romania activist urges people to do something good every day.” Read the full
This is an excerpt of the article “What Art Does for Us, And Why We Should Support It”, read the
We are now many months into the Mindfulness Monday series, and have experienced a variety of mindfulness exercises. But as
This story is published by APNews.com, more information and media resources are available there. In the wake of a massive
The events that took place January 6th in our nation’s capital have left many of us even further shaken after
Read the full story at APNews.com When Marybeth Hearn was 10, she asked her parents if she could train a
With every new year comes a new opportunity to resolve to move ourselves closer to the person we want to
Many of us begin each new year by making resolutions, and for many with whom we have spoken recently, these
To say that 2020 has been a difficult year would be a historical underestimate. The difficulties often take front and