To What Are We Returning?

The precautions we have taken to slow the spread of SARS-CoV-2 have disrupted our sense of normalcy and knocked us out of our usual routines. By and large we have viewed this as a negative, but consider for a moment this as an opportunity as a reboot. A chance to examine what of those things that have been taken out of our daily routine that we actually want to add back as we return to what will become our new normal.

100 Fun Things to Do at Home Right Now

Boredom is among the most frequent things people describe struggling with these days. With routines disrupted and many outlets still closed, this is understandable. Recognizing this, the folks at Travel and Leisure have organized a list of more than 100 things you can do while maintaining current best safety practices. From virtual sightseeing to appreciating the outdoors, we encourage you to take a few moments each day to check one off this list!

You Will Be Found

Today we offer a reminder on the importance of being there for others. These theme was recently presented on “The Late Show with James Corden”, who organized a #HomeFest series of performances. In this performance, Ben Platt & Cast of Dear Evan Hansen Perform ‘You Will Be Found’.

Mindfulness Mondays – Guided Imagery at the Beach

Every Monday, the Daily Dose is dedicated to starting your week right with a brief guided mindfulness exercise. This week’s exercise comes to us again from Dr. Christina Goodwin of Cooper Psychiatry. While our physical access to the shores of New Jersey may be limited right now, that does not prevent us from going there in our minds whenever we need a break.


Your Calm Mind

Right now, it seems everywhere you turn there is another challenge to face. In the midst of this, we may become trapped in emotions and thoughts that, while natural, will make overcoming these challenges even more difficult. Today’s Daily Dose is a challenge to reflect on the skills you have always had to manage the distress, and any that you have learned through this pandemic, to cultivate a sense of calm in your mind. This is a skill we all need to continue to build and maintain, and even if you do not reach your goal of calm today, this does not mean you cannot do it tomorrow.

Seemingly Impossible

Some days it may seem difficult to imagine a time when the work of fighting this pandemic will be done. There may be days where it feels that you are fighting an impossible fight. Today’s Daily Dose reminds you that, while it is certainly alright to feel this way from time to time, the greatest accomplishments have been born from things that seemed impossible until they were done.

All Together in a Sudden Strangeness

Cambridge-based therapist and spiritual director at Harvard University Katherine Stiles offers the following meditation on Pablo Neruda’s well-loved poem “Keeping Quiet” during this time of pandemic. She reminds us that we will be back to hugs and handshakes. Concerts and movies. Protests and elections. Travels and adventures. Gatherings. We will find a new normal. But for now, we have to step back in order to care for each other. The time is now. We must act in a powerful and skillful way to “Flatten the Curve” and stop the viral spread of fear and disease. Today ask yourself: What is being asked of us as we confront this global crisis, which is also a global opportunity to reset? What is being asked of us as we contemplate right action in such crazy times? What would it look like if we took a breath, hunkered down and stopped for a few precious moments to “all be together in a sudden strangeness”? What would it look like if we just kept still? Just for a bit.

Caring for Self and Others

We all have a sense of what we need to get through this, and many of us have been reminded of what that is time and again. But sometimes we need to hear those messages repeatedly, even with slightly different words, to internalize them. Today’s Daily Dose touches on many of those messages, from a spiritual perspective.

Start From Where You Are

We all wish that we were already at the end of this pandemic. At a time where a vaccine has been created and distributed, at a time that looks somewhat more normal. This is an understandable wish, but it is not where we are and that is something over which we are exercises all the control we can, while some things remain outside of our control. For those moments where we feel out of control, or where the longing for better days becomes difficult to bear, we offer this thought…