The Pandemic Journaling Project is a combined journaling platform and research study that lets anyone, anywhere in the world create a weekly journal of the coronavirus pandemic, while also putting their story on the record as part of a historical archive. Participants contribute by writing, uploading photos, or recording audio on their phones. So far, over 700 people in more than 30 countries have participated. All are welcome, and we are especially eager to hear from those who are especially vulnerable to COVID-19, who are on the front lines of COVID-19 response, and/or whose stories might not otherwise be recorded.
No computer is needed — just a smartphone. Weekly email (or text/SMS) reminders invite participants to contribute, and participation only takes about 10-15 minutes a week. The platform runs in English and Spanish, but entries can be created in any language. Participants can log in securely to download their journals at any time, and they choose whether to keep entries private or give permission to share them publicly on our Featured Entries page.
To learn more, or to start journaling now, please visit our website. If you have questions, you can reach us at
More links:
- Check out a short video about PJP.
- Read this article about PJP — or this student-led piece.
- Check out our Educator Resource page.