You 2.0: Taking Control of Your Time

“Hidden Brain” is a podcast that explores the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior and questions that lie at the heart of our complex and changing world. Hosted by Shankar Vedantam, NPR’s social science correspondent, former reporter and columnist at The Washington Post, and columnist, and wrote the Department of Human Behavior column for the Post, and fellow at the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University, the series transforms what are sometimes dry, academic research topics into compelling stories that offer a total and complete escape.

Recently, Vedantam explored a topic the hits close to home for many of us: time as a limited resource. As Shankar puts it: “many of us feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day. We struggle to make time for all the competing demands at work and at home, and inevitably feel like we’re letting someone down. But what if there were a way to reclaim our time and, as a result, get more joy out of our lives? This week, psychologist Cassie Mogilner Holmes explains how we’ve fallen victim to the illusion of time scarcity, and what we can do to spend our time more wisely.”

If this is something you can identify with be sure to listen to the full episode at