Long night? Let’s start with the basics. Breathe. If you are having a difficult time, listen along with this 3-minute meditation from Calm.com.
Remember: Emotions are by their very nature valid. None of us choose our emotions. Emotions arise in response to what we find in the environment (internal and external) and how we perceive it. Emotions are a tool help to guide our attention, our behavior, and our decisions. Today, please remember your emotions are valid and so are the emotions everybody else are having and, while we cannot choose our emotions, we can , with practice, choose our response to them. Yes, joy for some is valid even if you do not understand their joy. But, if you are sad and grieving, try your best to choose connection, support, and healing in whatever way makes sense to you because that emotion is valid, too. If your are frightened, choose behaviors that help you feel safe and/or engage in behaviors to help others feel safe if you have the strength to do so. If you are angry, take care of yourself, then engage in behaviors that contribute to justice. If psychology teaches us anything it is that people are remarkably resilient, and those that do best are those that allow themselves time to sit with their emotions so they can guide their attention, behavior, and decisions well, time to heal and take care of themselves when needed, and then find a way to engage in behaviors that reflect their values.