Simple Ways to Practice Mindfulness & Relaxation at Cooper

Working in a hospital setting can be stressful at times. We are busy taking care of others, and it’s often the case that we forget to take care of ourselves. Here are a few, simple ways to help us regain focus, pay attention to our surroundings, and hopefully find pockets of relaxation in our busy day.

30 minutes

    • Lunch with a view – Eat lunch somewhere new or in the cafeteria as opposed to behind your desk or “on the go.” Added bonus – bring a friend/co-worker!
    • Take a walk – On a nice day, take a walk around the hospital or across the street. Spend time focusing on your senses – what do you see, hear, feel, smell?
    • Listen to a podcast

 15 minutes

    • Walk to the Healing Garden – Try focusing on your senses in the garden or maybe even call a friend or loved one to catch up
    • Grab a drink/snack on a different floor or across the street – Get your legs moving and have a change of scenery!
    • Relax in silence in the Cooper Chapel

5 – 10 minutes

    • Take the stairs – Get your heart pumping by taking the stairs. Increasing physical activity can also help improve our mood!
    • Make a coffee/tea or grab a snack – Practice mindful eating or drinking (how does the item look, what does it smell like, does it bring up any memories for you?)
    • Listen to some of your favorite songs – You can do this either at your desk or with your headphones as you walk around the floor or take the stairs.

30 – 60 seconds

    • Deep breathing – Ensure your exhale is longer than your inhale for maximum relaxation. Also do this only as medically appropriate!
    • Look at a picture on your phone that brings you peace/relaxation – Take a moment to look at the image and notice what emotions you feel. Maybe even change this photo to the background of your phone if you’d like.
    • Stand up and stretch – Sometimes just moving our body slightly can improve mood and focus.
    • Mindful Minute – As you move down the hall to a meeting or even to the bathroom, notice your senses. It may seem simple, but you may be surprised by what you’ve never seen before on your own floor!
    • Think of one thing you’re looking forward to either after work or in the future – Thinking of future, enjoyable events and activities can improve our mood in the moment.
    • Identify one thing or person you’re grateful for

Simple Ways to Practice Mindfulness – Printable Handout

It’s helpful to use online tools to guide you through your mindfulness practice, especially if you haven’t done it much before. Here are some great apps that can help you practice mindfulness:

    • Smiling Mind
    • Headspace
    • Calm
    • Stop, Breathe & Think
    • Insight Timer