International Women’s Day: How And Why Women Can And Should Prioritize Their Wellness

Recently, Rittu Sinha at Forbes penned an article that contrasts the difference between what we saw as a culture about women and wellness, and the types of attitudes we foster about this topic. She shared that “As the World Health Organization reminds us, “The health, well-being and needs of half the world’s population cannot be treated as an afterthought.” However, for most of my own life, I never took the time to figure out how feminism actually sat with me. It was only in the last decade I that came to the realization that although I am not inclined toward “femininity,” I am a feminist (these questionnaires helped me clarify my thinking). Where does feminism intersect with women’s health? In short, in every area—physical, mental, emotional, environmental, existential and spiritual, which are all places I champion. Many women even today put their health on a back burner for years of their life. When we’re in this space, we consider our own needs to be less important than those of others (spouses, partners, kids, parents).”

Read Rittu’s full article on the hows and whys of fixing inequities that limit women’s wellness at